Saturday, December 17, 2011

Happy Holidays from A Voice 4 Animals

2011 has been a wonderful year for A Voice 4 Animals.

I started a podcast on iTunes, and recently joined forces with Santa Varbaro @ SantasVeganCooking to film some vegan cooking shows to show everyone how easy it is to live a vegan life.

2012 holds lots of promise and I can't wait! I just want to take this opportunity to wish all of you a safe, and happy holiday season. Whatever holiday or tradition you celebrate, make it a good one.

And please remember, the most generous thing we can do is to have compassion for those who are the most vulnerable and at our mercy, non-human animals. I ask that you seriously consider leaving animals and their by-products off your menu.

May all your wishes come true this holiday season!

Love and thanks for all your support,

Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary is a non-profit organization and shelter that works to end the systematic abuse of animals used for food.   At the heart of our mission is the hands-on work of rescuing, rehabilitating and caring for farm animal refugees-as well as educating the public about the treatment of animals who are raised for food and the many benefits of a plant-based diet.  Visit for more information or call 845-679-5955.

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