Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Voice 4 Animals Podcast! Episode 1 now on Itunes!

My very first podcast episode is available on itunes!

Just search for A VOICE 4 ANIMALS in the podcast search field, and SUBSCRIBE TODAY!

I will be podcasting about Animal news, Animal Rights and Abolition, Veganism, and whatever else I think is worthwhile to discuss!

Here is a direct link!

For the RSS feed to download to something other than Itunes, go here :


  1. Hey Michael,

    Can I ask (beg, plead, cajole) you to post your regular RSS feed as well? I subscribe to most podcasts these days in Google Reader rather than iTunes.

    Thanks in advance :)

  2. Climate Progress, the Environment, Animal Rights, Diet and Healthcare is right to argue that we need the equivalent of a new civil rights movement built around the survival of the planet and the human race. We've rapidly destroyed our natural resources, polluted the quality of our air and water, altered the dynamics of our diet that stimulates disease and animal degradation, redefined war/killing as synonymous with peace and democracy.

  3. Here is even more direct link for those who don't use itunes ;-) -
