Saturday, August 21, 2010

Ohio Animal Caretaker Killed During Bear Feeding

Ayinde O. Chase - AHN News Editor

Columbia Station, OH, United States (AHN) - An Ohio animal caretaker was mauled to death while feeding a bear. The victim, 24-year-old Brent Kandra, was an employee of Sam Mazzola, an exhibitor of exotic animals.

Investigators are looking into the incident to ascertain what may have provoked the attack.

However it appears the bear was out of its enclosure for the feeding and police were reportedly told that was routine. After the attack authorities were able to get the bear back in its cage without further incident.

News of the attack reached the Lorain County Sheriff's Office about 7:30 p.m. on Thursday via a 911 call. Hours later a spokesman for the Cuyahoga County Coroner confirmed Kandra died Friday morning at MetroHealth Medical Center.

Mazzola was also rushed to a medical care facility after the attack to be treated for an unspecified medical condition.

Previously he's come under fire from animal-rights groups for his unconventional business practices.

PETA went after Mazzola 4 years ago for his practice of letting paying customers wrestle his
black bears according to reports.

Also an inquiry by the Department of Agriculture led to Mazzola losing his license to exhibit exotic animals. Additionally he faced a $13,950 fine for his bear-wrestling act since he didn’t have the proper licensing

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