Thursday, July 29, 2010

Pregnant Cow Shooting At State Fair Raises Animal Welfare Questions

SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- Protesters gathered Wednesday at the California State Fair in Sacramento, rallying against the shooting death of an escaped cow a day earlier. Police shot the pregnant dairy cow Tuesday after the animal got loose and panicked.

The cow and her full-term fetus died.

Fair officials said the stressed cow bolted while being transferred to a birthing area. They also said attempts to tranquilized the cow didn't work and officials feared people could me hurt.

"We stayed with it for about an hour, along with the veterinarians from UC Davis," State Fair Manager Brian May said. "It was very agitated."

Protesters said the cow was rightfully agitated since veterinarians brought the cow to the fair to give birth in front of fair-goers.

"You know the mayhem of the midway and a deep-fried churro walking by one of those creatures. How are you suppose to gain a real since of this animal's sentience and consciousness?" said Humane Society's Jennifer Fearing.

UC Davis officials said Wednesday it wouldn't rethink performing live births, but would review their procedures on dealing with stressed animals.

Oakland has reviewed its procedures after a wild deer was pursued into a backyard and fatally shot by housing authority officers.

As a result, Oakland Animal Control now carry tranquilizer syringe poles for sick or hurt animals.

"If they're up and moving and not laying down or unable to walk, we want to just leave those animals alone," said Megan Webb, who works Oakland Animal Services.
For the full story and video, please go here :
Let's think about this.  The cow was ready to give birth, and between the noise of the carnival rides, people, machines, music, etc the cow panicked. DUH!  Now there is no excuse why they had to shoot the cow to death.  They should have just used the tranq gun to sedate her.

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