Friday, June 4, 2010

Polk County Shelter Out of Adoptable Animals - by Jennifer Leigh

LAKELAND, FL - After a rush of adoptions on Friday, Polk County Sheriff's Office Animal Control announced Friday it had no more animals available for adoption.

"It was like Black Friday the day after Thanksgiving," said Sheriff Grady Judd in a news release Friday evening, referring to the public response.

Sheriff's officials had been encouraging adoptions and had reduced adoption rates to $5 after the county shelter was inundated with more than 300 seized dogs from two high-profile cases of animal cruelty.

The facility, which is equipped to handle 375 animals, had close to 750 animals earlier in the week.

Patricia Cooprider, who works with an animal shelter in Broward County, came to Polk to help ease the overcrowding.

"These guys need help right now, so you know I mean if we have the room and we have the availability to go and take care of them that's what we're going to do," Cooprider said. She left Polk's shelter with 18 dogs.

Orange County's SPCA rescued 12 dogs after learning about Polk's situation.

This seems to be one amazing community to have been able to do this.  I certainly hope that all proper paperwork and background checks, etc. were performed to insure the animals go to a responsible home.  Way to go Polk County!

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