Thursday, May 27, 2010

Farm Sanctuary Offers Rescue and Refuge for Animals Victimized in Ohio Dairy Farm Cruelty Case

WATKINS GLEN, N.Y. — May 27, 2010 — Today, as the nation continues to express outrage over the vicious and malicious animal cruelty documented by undercover video inside the Conklin Dairy Farm in Union County, Ohio, Farm Sanctuary, the nation’s leading farm animal protection organization, has contacted local authorities to offer rehabilitative care and lifelong refuge for any of the abused cows and calves in need as a result of the ongoing investigation. The undercover footage, which was released yesterday and obtained over the past several weeks by the animal protection group Mercy For Animals, shows workers beating cows in the face with crowbars, stabbing them with pitchforks, breaking their tails, and punching, throwing and kicking calves— all while bragging and gloating about the abuse.

“Thousands of people are calling for Conklin Dairy Farm to be shut down and the animals removed,” said Gene Baur, president and co-founder of Farm Sanctuary. “We have received countless calls from people all across the country expressing outrage upon viewing this video, and calling not only for prosecution of those individuals involved in these abusive acts, but also the rescue and refuge of the animals on this farm. We are equipped to provide protection for abused farm animals and we have expressed our willingness to help with local authorities.” In a statement issued yesterday, Baur called the video “an eye-opener to anyone still unsure of what all the fuss is about concerning the treatment of farm animals in Ohio,” a reference to the campaign currently underway in the state to place a measure on the ballot to enact modest reforms and protect farm animals.
Farm Sanctuary operates the largest rescue and refuge network for farm animals in North America through a 175 acre shelter in New York State and a 300 acre refuge in northern California, as well as an extensive Farm Animal Adoption Network. Since 1986, the nonprofit organization has rescued more than 8,000 animals and found homes for another 2,500 in need. The group also works with local law enforcement on farm animal cruelty cases helping to document conditions of the animals in partnership with local veterinarians, provide rehabilitation at their shelters for the most vulnerable animals in need, and find permanent placement for seized farm animals.
“Throughout our many years caring for abused dairy cows and calves, we’ve seen firsthand the severe toll such abuse takes on these sensitive, gentle beings,” said Susie Coston, national shelter director for Farm Sanctuary. “Fortunately, we’ve also seen how resilient their broken bodies and spirits can be when given proper rehabilitative care and treated with kindness and respect for the first time in their lives. On behalf of our 230,000 members and supporters, and the scores of outraged citizens we’ve been hearing from who have taken up our cause to end cruelty to farm animals after seeing this video, we hope to see justice and a safe refuge for the animals on Conklin’s farm.”
Citizens are now collecting signatures to place a measure on the Ohio ballot to enact modest reforms and protect farm animals.

If you would like to speak with Gene Baur, president and co-founder of Farm Sanctuary, a leading supporter of Ohioans For Humane Farms, or Susie Coston, national shelter director for Farm Sanctuary, please contact Meredith Turner at 646-369-6212 or

Photos of Farm Sanctuary’s shelters available upon request.

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