Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Farm Sanctuary Issues Statement on Graphic Undercover Video of Abuse at an Ohio Dairy Farm

WATKINS GLEN, N.Y. — May 26, 2010 — Gene Baur, President and Co-founder of Farm Sanctuary, the nation’s leading farm animal protection organization, today issued the following statement about the disturbing undercover video showing wanton animal abuse at an Ohio dairy farm in Union County, west of Columbus, that was obtained by the animal protection group Mercy For Animals. The footage shows workers beating cows in the face with crowbars, stabbing them with pitchforks, breaking their tails, and punching, throwing and kicking calves.

“This video should be an eye-opener to anyone still unsure of what all the fuss is about concerning the treatment of farm animals in Ohio. The cruel and violent behavior depicted in the video is indicative of an attitude that sees farm animals as mere production units, rather than as living, feeling animals. Undercover investigations at farms in Ohio and elsewhere routinely turn up instances of systemic cruelty. Farm Sanctuary has witnessed these cruelties on farms firsthand.

“Bad has become normal on today’s farms as workers brag and gloat about torturing animals and agribusiness leaders insist that it’s humane to keep animals confined in cages so small that they can’t walk, turn around, or even stretch their limbs.

“Conklin Dairy, the subject of Mercy For Animals’ investigation, asserts that its farm operates according to high standards, but the video shows that they operate by a different set of standards than most Americans. The cruelty and violent behavior that is now common on farms where animals are seen as commodities is outside the boundaries of acceptable conduct in our society.

Most people oppose animal cruelty, and Ohioans now have an important opportunity to prevent animal suffering in their state. Citizens are now collecting signatures to place a measure on the Ohio ballot to enact modest reforms and protect farm animals. It’s a positive step in the right direction for Ohioans who feel justifiably outraged by the abuse at Conklin Dairy Farms.”

Click here to see the video

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