Wednesday, April 7, 2010

'Glee' star Lea Michele's new anti-fur PSA: Exclusive

Glee’s Lea Michele has teamed up with PETA for a new anti-fur PSA called “If You Wouldn’t Wear Your Dog, Please Don’t Wear Any Fur.” Watch it, and PETA’s video Q&A with the actress — who first raised her voice with the animal rights organization during her Broadway days to end the abuse of horses used in New York’s carriage industry.

In the PSA, shot in a faux school hallway, Michele says, “Everyone wants to fit in and feel like they belong. But sometimes you have to take a stand and step away from the crowd….With so many fashionable, cruelty-free options available, there’s really no excuse for joining a club that wears someone else’s coat.” (Is it wrong that we sort of wanted to see her throw a slushie on someone wearing fur?) Her video Q&A features stronger wording to go along with its harsher images: “When I see someone wearing a fur coat, the first thing that comes to my mind is why? Why do you need to have a fur coat? Why? You could be just as warm in any other kind of coat that hasn’t, you know, been made by killing animals. Why?” Then she adds, with a giggle, “And it’s ugly. You really look ugly. I don’t think you get it.”

She also talks about rescuing animals she found filming Glee on location and on the Paramount lot (one dog, named Charlie, now lives with a fellow cast member, and two cats, Sheila and Claude, came home with her) and about how the book Skinny Bitch enlightened her views on the meat and dairy industries. The vegetarian Michele also encourages people to find the issues they’re passionate about and get involved. All she did was go on the PETA website and post a comment asking how she could help.

Lea Michele for PETA
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