Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Antifreeze and Engine Coolant Being Bittered Nationwide

Industry agrees to voluntarily take steps to protect pets, wildlife and children
WASHINGTON (Dec. 13, 2012) --The Humane Society Legislative Fund and Consumer Specialty Products Association jointly announce an agreement to voluntarily add a bitter flavoring agent to antifreeze and engine coolant manufactured for sale for the consumer market in all 50 states and the District of Columbia  to prevent animals and children from being poisoned by the sweet-tasting liquid. Poisoning occurs because animals are attracted to the sweetness of antifreeze and engine coolant, which inadvertently spills in our driveways or is left in open containers in garages.
Continue to the full story HERE

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Rescue: Over 130 Neglected Birds from Hoarding Case

The site had lots of birds -- chickens, ducks, geese, even some turkeys living in tight quarters.

Almost a year after Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary's initial efforts to rescue over 160 ducks, geese, turkeys and chickens that were living with a hoarder in appalling conditions, they were finally able to bring them to safety. They are now enjoying sunshine on their feathers, water to swim in, clean bedding, warmth, grass under their feet and room to roam for the very first time.  Initially, they tried working with their owner towards an amicable surrender, pleading with her to consider the quality of life for the birds and used many of our own resources to help provide a cleaner environment for them.  The hoarder’s initial intentions were good and her love for the animals apparent, but she neglected to see how their overcrowding, over-breeding, lack of shelter and space and filthy conditions were hurting them. She also continued to buy chicks and ducklings online and mail ordered to her.

Please click the link below to see the entire story and to view a wonderful video of the ducks taking their first swim!!!


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Jenny Browns' Book Release - The Lucky Ones: My Passionate Fight for Farm Animals

Jenny Brown,  founder of the Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary, has released a book entitled "The Lucky Ones: My Passionate Fight for Farm Animals".  I will be attending the book launch party tonight in NYC, and I will be giving away an autographed copy of the book to one of my blog and podcast subscribers.  If you would like a chance to win an autographed copy of this book, please email me your name and email address to AVoice4Animals@AOL.COM  Please enter JENNY BROWN CONTEST in the subject line of the email........Deadline for submitting your name is Sunday, August 12th @ 12P.M.    One name will be picked at random for the prize.  Winner will be notified on Monday August 13th.

The book is also available at all major retailers.
Please check out the book description below.

Jenny Brown was just ten years old when she lost a leg to bone cancer. Throughout the ordeal, her constant companion was a cat named Boogie. Years later, she would make the connection between her feline friend and the farm animals she ate, acknowledging that most of America’s domesticated animals live on industrialized farms, and are viewed as mere production units. Raised in a conservative Southern Baptist family in Kentucky, Brown had been taught to avoid asking questions. But she found her calling and the courage to speak out. She left a flourishing career as a film and television producer after going undercover and exposing horrific animal abuse in Texas stockyards.

Bringing to life this exhilarating transformation, The Lucky Ones introduces readers to Brown’s crowning achievement, the renowned Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary she established with her husband in 2004. With a cast of unforgettable survivors, including a fugitive slaughterhouse cow named Kayli; Albie, the three-legged goat; and Quincy, an Easter duckling found abandoned in New York City, The Lucky Ones reveals shocking statistics about the prevalence of animal abuse throughout America’s agribusinesses.  Blending wry humor with unflinching honesty, Brown brings a compelling new voice to the healthy-living movement—and to the vulnerable, voiceless creatures among us.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Hudson Valley Vegans - Meet Up Dinner at Aladdin Cafe

I belong to a Meet-Up group called Hudson Valley Vegans.  We recently got together and had a delicious dinner at Aladdin Café, in Hopewell Junction, New York.

Now, they are not a vegan restaurant, however, they prepared an ALL-VEGAN buffet for our group. 

The ambiance was very authentic Middle Eastern and I got that “very cozy” feeling when we were seated.  The wait staff,  consisting of Mills, and several other young ladies, was extremely nice, very knowledgeable about the menu and accommodating to our needs, and the food was served at a very good pace.

Our menu for the evening consisted of:


Falafel with Tahini Sauce and side cucumber & tomato salad

Tabbouleh Salad

Taziki dill sauce – Arabian

Pita Bread


Fattoush (Tomatoes, mint, lemon, cucumbers)

Mint Tea


Kepsaa – Basmati rice with tomato sauce, almonds, raisins, peas and carrots

M’ jedarah – Lentils, rice, onion with tahini sauce


Baklava – Filo dough with ground walnuts, spices, pistachio and syrup

Ghrieben (Arabian butter cookies) with pistachio nuts

It was a very nice evening and I would definitely recommend this restaurant to anyone who may like fine Middle Eastern cuisine.

Members of Hudson Valley Vegans enjoying the food and company.


Kepsaa - This was my favorite dish!

M’ jedarah



Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Humane Society of the United States Offers Reward in New York Python Neglect

(May 17, 2012)—The Humane Society of the United States is offering a reward of up to $2,500 for information leading to the identification, arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for releasing a python in Hyde Park, New York.

The Case: News reports give the following account: On May 8, 2012 a police officer captured a 5 1/2-foot Burmese python in a pizzeria parking lot on Route 9G in Hyde Park. The snake was brought to the Dutchess County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty before being transported to the Bronx Zoo. The neglected snake, which the DCSPCA named ‘SAL,’ was described as hungry, covered in mites, suffering the adverse effects of the cold temperatures and may have a skin condition or abrasions. Pythons exposed to cold temperatures can die or develop illnesses such as respiratory infections or mouth rot. Mites can cause anemia and spread diseases. The snake’s former owner could be prosecuted for animal cruelty and for illegally possessing a python.

“This abandoned snake could have suffered a miserable death from the cold weather, been run over by a car, or seriously injured a child,” said Patrick Kwan, New York state director for The HSUS. “This poor snake suffered horribly as a result of being turned loose or escaping from a poorly secured cage, and we are hopeful that our reward brings forward anyone with information. This incident, and hundreds like it, illustrates the urgent need for Congress to pass H.R. 511, which would stop the import and interstate commerce of deadly giant constrictor snakes for the pet trade.”

“The staff of the Dutchess County SPCA is happy that ‘SAL’, the Burmese Python, was spared additional suffering, and now has a good home,” stated Joyce Garrity, the DCSPCA’s executive director. “We are all very grateful to The Humane Society of the United States for their generous offer of a reward to help us locate the person responsible for releasing the python. We are confident that someone will come forward with information as a result of the involvement of HSUS.”

Authorities are finding released or escaped pet pythons, boa constrictors, and anacondas all over the country, including several other cases in New York. Reptile dealers commonly peddle these high-maintenance and dangerous predators to unqualified people at flea markets and over the Internet. In 1996, a Bronx teenager was strangled to death by his 13-foot, 44-pound pet Burmese python. The HSUS recommends that people stick with traditional companion animals, such as cats and dogs, and avoid contributing to the cruel trade in exotic animals.

The Investigators: Anyone with information about this case is asked to contact the DCSPCA Humane Law Department at 845-452-7722 extension 4.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Disabled Border Collie ‘Wakes Up Happy Every Day’ - By Robert F. Bukaty

PORTLAND, Maine — When Stephanie Fox went to see the puppy almost three years ago at New England Border Collie Rescue, she knew the breed didn’t always make the best pet. As an experienced owner of other border collies, she was well aware of their need for constant work and attention. So how much more of a challenge would it be if she adopted one with deformed front legs?
“The only difference between Roosevelt and other dogs is that instead of a collar I snap on his wheels to take him out,” she said.
“People think he should have been put down because they think he’s suffering,” she said. “But he wakes up happy every day. If you had a child with a disability you’d try to enrich them, give them opportunities. So why not do the same with a dog?”

More pictures of Roosevelt here:

Sunday, April 8, 2012

10 Reasons to Go Vegan - M Butterflies Katz

I am proud to be friends with M Butterflies Katz since 2010 and I must say she is one INSPIRING woman!  She has been vegan for 33 years!  Through her writings she has helped open my eyes to many things about animals and veganism.  Please take a few minutes to read her current post and check out her blog.  Thanks!


1.) Because you really don’t want to fund the exploitation of animals; of a different face, that suffer; much like us. Because you’re a decent, reasonable and fair person and you want to show basic respect to other aware animals, by not paying someone to use and kill them on your behalf.

2.) Because you want to extend and expand your sense of empathy for others and therefore don’t want to be part of the demand for death. You no longer want to take part in stealing the breath of life from innocent, intelligent and magnificent animals; who come into this world with the birth-right not to be harmed and hurt by humans (who have no physical requirement to do so). You want to honor their inherent rights – just as you want that respect shown to you.

3.) Because you don’t want to participate in the system that commodifies the lives of breathing, feeling, conscious and communicative animals. Animal exploitation wrongly and deceitfully turns ‘a someone’ into ‘a something’ – thereby hardening the heart of humanity.

4.) Because you DO believe that oppression, enslavement, rape, assault, kidnapping and murder are wrong – no matter who the victim is; and an animal is a ‘who’ not a ‘what’. Remember the old “person”, “place” or “thing”…well animals are not things, and not places. That makes them persons.

5.) Because you want ‘Peace on Earth’ and hope we can curb the rampant violence plaguing our planet, and now see that most of humanity sustains themselves from a diet and lifestyle that is inherently violent towards other animals. The world’s people adopting vegan living would bring about a whole new world…a peaceful, non-violent world where all sentient beings would have no reason to live in fear. A world where slaughterhouses are a thing of the past, and commercial feedlots that so resemble Nazi concentration camps, cease to be, and macho men roping baby calves at rodeo’s is just a nightmare that we woke up from - they have no place in this new world; a more civilized world that was not literally built upon slavery and exploitation.

6.) Because you realize that the violence and suffering inflicted on other animals by humans is so unnecessary, and what kind of person would want to cause unnecessary harm to someone else? Humans have obviously evolved to be able to thrive off the plant kingdom as evidenced by many long-time vegans. Vegan pioneers are happy and healthy, but deeply disturbed about the animal’s plight and lack of awareness shown by people to the healing of our shared planet and the other species that we share it with. Species extinction is happening at such an inconceivable rate that it appears to be a “wake-up call” that humans must put an end to animal agriculture; the most significant culprit in humans creating greenhouse gas emissions. We need to stop breeding and using animals. The human race needs to finally grow into their name and become a ‘humane’ race; a vegan humanity.

7.) Because you want to become a part of the solution; not a part of the problem of what ails our planet. You want to join a great social justice movement that gives your life real purpose. You want to help steer the course from the direction our planet is heading. You want to help usher in a vegan world because it’s a hope for restoring balance to the planet and quite possibly what is needed for the very survival of Earth and its inhabitants. Animal agriculture is killing the planet. Harming other animals is killing the heart of human-not-so-kind. Many noted great minds of history believed that the masses adopting a vegetarian diet would lead to a more peaceful society; because of its effect on human temperament. Becoming vegan is the first step to realizing a sustainable and better world for all.

8.) Surprisingly, I‘m not going to say for your own health, though that would be true if we were talking about being an herbivore, pure vegetarian, dietary vegan, plant-based eater and then a subcategory of that could be a raw-foodist, but we’re talking about 'veganism' or 'becoming vegan'. Because vegans choose to live ethically towards other animals as far as practically possible, they are not consuming rotting corpses, and not consuming bodily secretions from other species that is not suited to ours, resulting in most vegans enjoying improved health. It’s a reward of righteous living. There’s no health guarantees, but vegans have less risk of heart disease, many forms of cancer, obesity, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and the list goes on. Vegans are concerned about the health of other animals, not just their own.

9.) Because you want to feel the great pleasure of walking this Earth knowing you're vegan. Many pre-vegans or non-vegans call living vegan “a choice". I don’t really see the choice here? Do you? Becoming vegan is an ethical imperative for all humans, from my point-of-view, and now hopefully also from yours.

10.) And finally, because, when Washoe; the chimpanzee (who was wrongfully enslaved) was taught American sign language, the first thing she said when she could form a sentence of her own thoughts was “Let me Out!” Other animals don’t need to speak the same language as us; any more than a foreigner does, for vegans to understand that they hold basic ‘rights’, for example: not to be owned, sexually assaulted, or harmed by humans.


About M Butterflies Katz

My life serves as living proof that we can live vegan. I've been vegan for 33 years. Co-author: Incredibly Delicious; Recipes for a New Paradigm by Gentle World -(gentleworld.org) I used to have a column in The Vegan Voice Magazine until they closed. My essays have been widely published throughout the years.~~Innovator of feeding dogs vegan, vegan chef, veganic gardener, vegansexual, ushering in a new world where no animal is enslaved, owned, commodified, exploited, oppressed, sexually-assaulted, and/or killed by humans. I advocate for non-speciesism and believe that living vegan is a moral imperative for all humans. Like us, other animals are aware and conscious, they feel both pleasure and pain. For 40 years it has remained an enigma that people choose to be a part of inflicting misery on other animals, needlessly. After 33 years of living vegan, I know for sure that there is NO NEED for humans to eat, wear, use animals, therefore it's unjust. Websites: veganpoet.com - veganexchange.org, thevegantruth.blogspot.com ~ M Butterflies Katz/Facebook

Saturday, February 25, 2012

The "Disconnect"

The disconnect people have when it comes to animals we call "pets" and animals we call "food" couldn't be more clear than with this illustration. The time has come for all of us to practice what we preach. If we say we love animals, we need to be vegan.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

William C. Oden Memorial Fundraiser to Benefit Dutchess County SPCA

The man I called Dad since the age of 4 passed away the morning of February 15th after a very short battle with colon cancer. William C. Oden will be remembered as a wonderful Husband and Dad. A United States Navy Veteran, he was a stern parent with a heart as big as the ocean. He had a amazing talent to make anyone laugh as he was the ultimate flirt and comedian. He left this world too soon, but we will all have fond memories and will always love him. Rest in Peace, Dad. Love you!
The last two rescue dogs that we adopted came from the Dutchess County SPCA in Hyde Park, NY.  My Dad is the one that picked them out.  He always had great respect for the people at the shelter.  He said that he could never work in such a place because it breaks his heart to see the animals that are unwanted sitting in cages waiting, and hoping that someone will find them a forever home and family.
My family is collecting money to order a memorial item to be on display at the new adoption center currently being built.  My Dad wanted nothing special as far as funeral services, so this would be a great way to pay tribute to a man who has shown love and humor to many people throughout his life. 
Please click the button to donate and share this page so that others could donate.
Thank you on behalf of my Mother, and the rest of our family.
Outside the Dutchess County SPCA where Dad picked out Nemo to come to his forever home in 2008.

Dad nuzzling Nemo they day we adopted him.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Cape Cod dolphin death toll reaches 103

(CNN) -- The number of unexplained dolphin deaths on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, rose Friday, with rescuers tallying the toll at 103.

About 160 common dolphins have been found since the animals began stranding themselves in early January, said Michael Booth, a spokesman for the International Fund for Animal Welfare, the organization leading the rescue the effort.

The beachings have puzzled investigators, as rescue team members struggle to treat, tag and transport the living dolphins to the outer Cape Cod coast to be released.

While dolphin strandings are not uncommon on the cape, Katie Moore, a marine manager for the group, said earlier this week the event is extraordinary in its "protracted" nature as well as the number of dolphins involved.

"There is a large variability year to year," she said, but this event represents "more than half my annual average in a month," said Moore.

Once beached, a dolphin is vulnerable to predators and susceptible to organ damage and sunburn. If a dolphin is still alive, the responders get it onto its stomach, if it is not already, for easier breathing. They keep away seagulls that would otherwise peck at it and warm it with blankets or cool it with water as necessary, Moore said.

Necropsies had been performed on at least nine of the dolphins, and blood and microbial swab samples have been taken from some that were found alive, Moore said.

So far, no pattern of disease or trauma has been found that would point to a cause.

Although the winter and early spring are the normal time of year for dolphin strandings to occur, the weather this season has been unusually warm, leading to speculation about climate change and subsequently low "distribution of prey" as possible causes.

Wellfleet harbormaster Michael Flanagan had earlier explained that usually, in the winter, "the harbor ices over and inhibits the animals from coming close to the shore. But now that the water is warmer, we're seeing lots more dolphins washing up than ever before."

Moore cautioned that, while climate or other external factors such as acoustic disorientation can't be ruled out, "we don't have a single answer."

Between climate changes and all the human waste that we are poisoning the waters with, mercury being one of the worst, it's sad but not surprising that such horrible things are happening to the wonderful animals of the ocean.

Source: http://www.cnn.com/2012/02/10/us/massachusetts-dead-dolphins/

Monday, January 30, 2012

Animal Rights Quote - Alice Walker

Animals can communicate quite well.  And they do.  And generally speaking, they are ignored.  ~Alice Walker

I often wonder how people can just turn a blind eye to suffering of others, be it human or non- humans.  It pains me to look at this picture and wonder if anyone stopped to see if this sweet dog was still alive?  Maybe pick him/her up and take him/her somewhere warm?  We'll never know.  It takes very little effort to be compassionate.  When you get the opportunity, do the right thing.

Leopard from exotic animal farm dies in Ohio zoo - By (Zanesville, Ohio) Times Recorder

REYNOLDSBURG, Ohio – One of six animals that survived the Oct. 18 slaughter at a Zanesville, Ohio, exotic animal farm is dead, euthanized Sunday after a gate struck it in the neck.

The incident happened about 11 a.m. Sunday as a zookeeper was moving a male spotted leopard between enclosures for routine cleaning and feeding, said Tom Stalf, chief operating officer at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium. The leopard, which was about 3 years old, walked from one enclosure to the next but darted back just as the door was being lowered.

A zoo veterinarian was able to restart the leopard's heart with chest compressions, but it was determined the animal had suffered irreversible spinal cord injury and was unable to breathe on its own. Dr. Tony Forshey, head of the Ohio Department of Agriculture's Division of Animal Health, responded to the emergency call and made the decision to euthanize the leopard.

X-rays from before and after the leopard's death indicated it had congenitally defective malformed vertebrae in the neck, which weakened its cervical spine and could have compounded the severity of the injury. The leopard also had old injuries that had not healed properly, including broken bones in its back and tail, Stalf said.

The leopard was one of six animals transported to Columbus Zoo after Terry Thompson released 56 wild animals from his farm before killing himself.

It was being housed in the zoo's quarantine area, which is built to hold anything from small animals to gorillas, Stalf said. So doors between the enclosures, which are lever-operated and slide up and down, are extremely heavy.

The leopard's body was taken to the state Animal Disease and Diagnostic Laboratory for an autopsy, but results likely will not be available for four to six weeks.

The five remaining Zanesville animals at the zoo — two leopards, two macaque monkeys and a grizzly bear — are still under quarantine here, awaiting testing by the Ohio Department of Agriculture.

The animals all are doing well, Stalf said, but a timeline for their testing still has not been set.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Heroic Dog Saves Two Young Girls From Venomous Snake In Australia

A heroic dog from Ipswich, Australia, is still recovering at a local veterinarian after saving his family's two young girls from a venomous snake that slithered into their backyard, the Queensland Times reports.
Michelle Lynch, 7, and Kaylee Lynch, 2, were headed to their backyard swingset, unaware that a brown snake -- one of the world's deadliest snakes whose venom can easily kill an adult human -- was sitting right below the swings.
That's when the family's 18-month-old Austrian cattle dog River sprang into action.
"They were going out to play on the swings and Michelle got two steps out the door and yelled out 'snake'," the girls' mother Catherine Lynch told the paper. "As soon as she yelled, [River] bolted out, grabbed the snake and killed it. I think it was probably Michelle's tone of voice, River picked up that something wasn't right and she didn't hesitate."
Only later did the family realize that River had been bitten by the snake after she began showing signs of paralysis. They grabbed the snake's body from the trash bin and rushed River to the local veterinary clinic, where she received life-saving treatment.
Days later, River is making a full recovery, though Catherine Lynch says her daughters are still traumatized by the incident.
"They're obviously upset about the dog,'' Lynch told the Herald Sun. "I think the youngest didn't really know what had happened, but she threw a tantrum when we got home because River wasn't with us.The eldest has been asking a lot of questions about what happened."

Despite Australia's reputation for having some of the deadliest snakes in the world, most hospitalizations from bites and stings result from run-ins with spiders and bees, according to a report from the Australian Institute of Welfare and Health.
In the period between 2002-2005, there were 11,602 cases of hospitalization from bites and stings, only 15 percent of which were attributed to venomous snakes.
According the Courier Mail, 2 to 3 Australians per year die from snakes bites, with brown snakes accounting for half of those deaths.

It's wonderful to see heroic stories of how non-human animals spring into action and save the day, not worrying about their own safety, but the safety of the ones they love!  I just wish more humans would learn a lesson and jump in when they are needed.

Original story here : http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/19/family-pet-dog-girls-venomous-snake-attack_n_1216459.html?icid=maing-grid10%7Chtmlws-main-bb%7Cdl1%7Csec1_lnk3%26pLid%3D128789