Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Elk Gives Birth in Yellowstone National Park

Below are pictures taken at Yellowstone National Park - A mother elk giving birth! 

 The Beauty of New Life!


  1. Those pictures are awesome! Did you take them yourself?

    The poor momma elk though. There were probably tons of people around watching as that happened right in Mammoth. My wife would have been SCREAMING at you taking those photos.

  2. Marvelous...
    the cycle of life..
    as we head into a severe winter...
    to remember
    the miracle of birth
    and the renewal of Spring

    Some very choice photos from a favorite place of mine

    Thank you for sharing


  3. No, I did not take the pictures myself. I found them online and just wanted to share them. Other than the privacy issue for the momma, I think they are just beautiful. :) Thanks for the comments!

  4. Thank you for sharing, I am passing along to all my nature loving friends ;-)
