Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Blue Diamond Almond Milk vs. Cow's Milk : Product Comparison

On the left, Dairy Cow's Whole Milk..........On the right, Blue Diamond "Almond Breeze" Almond Milk.
 As you can see from the carton nutrition information, Blue Diamond "Almond Breeze" Almond Milk has only 60 calories per seving, compared to 150 of cow's milk.  Less Total fat.  No Saturated fat.  No Trans fat. No Cholesterol.  Less Carbs.  Less Sugar. Less Protein.(Animal protein has been shown to leech calcium from our bones.)

Almond Breeze also has more vitamins and minerals than whole milk from a cow.

As a vegan, I enjoy Almond Breeze with my cereal, in my smoothies, and with my recipes.  It also comes in several flavors.  You can check them out @ http://www.bluediamond.com/index.cfm?navid=33

Next time you are in the Supermarket, try some Almond Breeze.  In my estimation, it is the BEST milk available!  I know you'll like it!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Grieving Dog Drawn to Savior's Grave - by Alicia Gallegos

Marci Reed, Mishawaka, kisses her late son Joshua's dog, Zelda, on a visit to his grave near Bremen. Joshua, 15, was killed in a four-wheeler accident last year, and Zelda often runs to the cemetery to lie on his grave. Animal control officers return her free of charge. / Marcus Marter / Associated Press
 SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- Since her best friend's death, Zelda has taken to wandering.

Neighbors spot the one-eyed, rust-colored dog roaming the farm roads near her home, heading in the direction of the cemetery.

Animal control officers say that's where the dog was found recently, roving the grounds of a brick church on Bremen Highway, yards from her owner's grave.

"She's without her boy," said mom Marci Reed. "She just sniffs all over, looking for her boy."

Zelda and her owner, Joshua Reed, 15, had been inseparable ever since Joshua rescued the dog three years earlier, when she was hit by a car.

It had been nightfall when the family drove past the dog lying in the road. Joshua "jumped out of the moving van," Marci Reed recalled. "He yelled, 'Stop! We have to get the dog!' "

The teen brought the bleeding animal into the van, wrapping the dog in his jacket.

The child stayed up all night talking to the dog, his mother remembered with tears in her eyes. "He kept saying, 'I love you. I love you. You'll be all right. I'll take care of you.' "

Zelda lost an eye in the accident, and her tail was broken in several places, but the dog flourished at the Reed home.

Zelda followed Joshua everywhere, waiting for him every day when he got off the school bus.

Zelda and Joshua would roll around in the grass outside the family's Mishawaka farm. They would race down the gravel drive, with the boy on his bike and Zelda sprinting beside him.

So Zelda, along with the rest of the Reed family, entered a world of emptiness last year when, one day, Joshua didn't come home.

When Joshua asked his parents for a four-wheeler, they first said no. But he promised to earn half the money for the vehicle himself, said his dad, and worked extra-hard on the farm to make the wish a reality.

The Penn High School freshman loved his new ATV, riding it with a group of four-wheeling friends in the summer of 2009.

The Reeds will never know why Joshua didn't stop and look when he approached the intersection of Pierce Road and Ind. 331 on the evening of Sept. 3. It might have been because the road had previously been closed and only recently opened for traffic.

State Police said the pickup truck driver reported that he didn't see the boy on the ATV until it was too late.

Joshua was thrown 120 feet, his dad said, and died instantly.

Joshua, the middle of five brothers ranging in age from 11 to 31, is remembered most by friends and family as a great friend and lover of all animals, especially ones like Zelda who needed extra care.

For days after the funeral, Zelda wandered up and down the farm, searching high and low for her boy.

Zelda had never run away before the accident, but now, the Reeds say, the dog takes to the road any chance she gets.

She was taken to the cemetery only once by the family. Marci Reed brought Zelda to St. John's Cemetery on Bremen Highway after the first time she ran away.

Since visiting the graveyard that first time, the dog has been caught twice more near the cemetery route.

"They always say that animals have that extra sense," said Jordan McGuire, with the Humane Society of St. Joseph County. "It's obvious (the dog) is grieving."

"We're going to get a fence," Reed said. "I can't let something happen to her."

I couldn't help but tear up as I read this story.  So tragic, so beautiful.


"Animal CSI"- UF Program Teaches Investigators How to Solve Crimes Against Animals - By Mitch Stacy

When federal investigators working the Michael Vick dogfighting case needed someone to dig up and analyze the remains of eight pit bulls buried on the football star’s Virginia property, they summoned Melinda Merck.

The nation’s top forensic veterinarian, Merck was one of the few specialists trained in processing crime scenes involving animals. Her job at the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals involves helping prosecutors build court cases, and she saw that there weren’t nearly enough vets and other professionals with those skills.

Merck, 46, is trying to change that, co-founding a first-of-its-kind veterinary forensic science training program at the University of Florida. She and scientists from the university’s human forensics lab are sharing their expertise with animal-cruelty investigators, police and veterinarians who come to Gainesville from around the world.

In a nod to the popular TV shows, it’s already being called “Animal CSI.”

Demand for forensic veterinarians has been growing as many states have toughened their animal cruelty laws. And law enforcement agencies nationwide have increasingly recognized that people who abuse animals are more likely to commit crimes against people.

Hands-on seminars teach participants crime-scene processing and the preservation of evidence in cases of animal abuse and neglect such as those involving puppy mills, dogfighting and animal hoarding. Elements include exhuming remains, analyzing hair, fibers and blood splatter and even how insect life cycles and plant growth can yield clues about an animal’s death.

Read more: http://www.miamiherald.com/2010/11/27/v-fullstory/1941816/animal-csi-uf-program-teaches.html#ixzz16XXw9HTw

Friday, November 26, 2010

Shop Online - Free Donation to Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary!

Please download the Good Search Toolbar before doing your holiday shopping online & make money for WFAS every time you shop! It really works! Each time you search the Internet or shop online at one of their participating stores, a donation will be made to WFAS at no cost to you! Thanks!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Thanksgiving - "Let's Talk Turkey" - Video by Ciddy Fonteboa

Ciddy Fonteboa  put together a wonderful PSA to help you make a decision to have a cruelty-free Thanksgiving.  Please take a look at this wonderful video she made, directed by Gabriel Sabloff, and choose to have a compassionate, cruelty free Thanksgiving!  I will be having a Field Roast Celebration Roast myself. :)

As a vegan, I say THANK YOU! 

Disney World Trades McDonald's for Vegan Cupcakes

Just when you thought DISNEY WORLD could not get anymore magical. VEGAN cupcakes! Taking the place of McDonald's!

I am very happy to see the change.  I know that they will sell like crazy and hopefully WDW will then open up a few vegan restaurants in their hotels and parks. 

Thank you WDW!

Please click here for the full story: http://www.organicauthority.com/foodie-buzz/disney-world-trades-mcdonalds-for-vegan-cupcakes.html

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Take a Ride on the Turkey Express!

Follow along as Farm Sanctuary makes a stop on our Turkey Express to deliver two rescued turkeys to a loving adoptive family in Connecticut. Since 1986, this annual adoption event, held as part of our Adopt-A-Turkey Project, has been pairing turkeys in need of permanent refuge with adopters nationwide, giving hundreds of these sensitive, social birds a precious second chance at life. (2:23 min.)

Please Give VEGAN a chance.  Thank you!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Help Animals With Cash Back From Online Shopping!

I am an online shopper. I signed up for Ebates a few years ago and have been donating  my CASH BACK earnings to my favorite Vegan and Animal Charities!  Please take a moment to check out the site.  Sign up, and start earning cash back so you can donate to your favorite animal charity, buy leaflets, food for shelters, whatever!  Make a difference in the lives of animals today with the cash you get back!   As always, thanks for taking the time to read my blog, and thanks for caring about the animals! - Michael


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Janet Jackson Talks Vegan With Jay Leno

On a recent episode of The Tonight Show, Janet Jackson talked with Jay Leno about some of her favorite vegan foods and restaurants. In Los Angeles, Janet likes Vegan Glory for the “great tacos and chicken McNuggets.” In New York, she likes Red Bamboo (which is my favorite restaurant in NYC) for the chicken Parmesan, which is really made of soy.

I am very happy to see Janet talking about  veganism and I certainly hope she does more with her celebrity for animal rights and veganism.  She needs to give up the fur endorsement though, see my last post on Janet here : http://avoice4animals.blogspot.com/2010/07/janet-jackson-is-face-of-new-campaign.html

CHINA: Vending Machine Dispenses Live Crabs (Video)

Speciesism at it's best.  Go Vegan! - Or one day it may be us in the vending machine.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Rough Sailing Put Down After Fall in Breeders' Cup Juvenile Turf. - By David Steele

LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- Rough Sailing, running in the first race of the second day of the Breeders' Cup at Churchill Downs, fell on the first turn, suffered a fractured right humerus in his upper right front leg and had to be put down.

"It's not a fracture that's repairable in an adult horse,'' said on-site veterinarian C. Wayne McIlwraith, about an hour after the end of the Juvenile Turf Saturday. He said he did not know if the fatal injury occurred when Rough Sailing fell or after he regained his footing.

The 2-year-old, running in his fourth career race, apparently hit a soft spot on the first turn of the turf course, went down on his left side and threw jockey Rosie Napravnik. Rough Sailing jumped back up and ran to the midway point of the backstretch before falling again. Napravnik left the track under her own power.

The initial report on Rough Sailing's injury did not seem catastrophic. He was taken back to his barn after the on-track examination. The decision to euthanize him came after a later examination there, McIlwraith said.

A 2 year old horse.  Horses can live to be 20 - 30 years old.  Just like all animals that are exploited for HUMANS, this is a tragedy.  Do not support this or any other exploitation.   Go Vegan! 
Full Story : http://www.fanhouse.com/2010/11/06/rough-sailing-put-down-after-fall-in-breeders-cup-juvenile-turf/?icid=main%7Chtmlws-main-n%7Cdl1%7Csec3_lnk1%7C182698

Let's Give Thanksgiving To The Birds!

This Thanksgiving, please give thanks for your LIFE, by granting LIFE to the animal that is the centerpiece of most family dinners on Thanksgiving, the turkey.  Please consider trying  alternatives like Tofurky® Feast or my personal favorite, Field Roast Celebration Roast!  These are great items to have if you want to be cruelty free this Thanksgiving, or anytime!  (I have actually served the Celebration Roast to non-vegan friends, and they could not tell the difference compared to meat!)

The truth is that we don't need animal products to live a healthy life.  It's because of taste that  most people choose to continue eating them.  The fact is that there are so many great tasting alternatives that it is easier than ever to go vegan! - I am proof!

Please view the video which shows Thanksgiving's toll on turkeys and help save a life this holiday season.  Do it for the animals, do it for your health.  Thank You!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Va. woman's pet fox held at animal shelter

Sitterson told The Post's Paul Duggan late Monday that animal-control officials have agreed to give her back her fox. She said she successfully argued that the licensing requirement does not apply to foxes purchased from breeders outside Virginia. She said she bought her fox from a breeder in the Midwest about seven months ago.

Original Post:

Swiper, the Silver Cross Fox, is being held at an animal shelter after his owner dressed him up in a skeleton costume on Halloween and took him for a walk, WTOP reports.

Fairfax County Police say Alayna Sitterson didn't have the proper permits to own the fox, whom she took for a walk at Reston Town Center Sunday morning. Sitterson has been charged with unlawful possession of wildlife.

Swiper is 7-months-old, neutered, litter-box trained and vaccinated for rabies, according to Sitterson. He will remain at the animal shelter until the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries decides whether it will issue a special permit.


Wild animals should stay that way.  WILD