If you are a non-vegan, please look at this very informative guide to the basics of veganism. It's definately something that may make you reconsider trying veganism. This guide is filled with information and great recipes to get you started on a new way of eating that will be healthier for you, the earth and definately the animals! If you learn anything from this, please email me or send a comment. I would love to hear from you. Thanks!
Viva Vegan Basics
Friday, September 24, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
“Biggest Loser” Star Bob Harper Makes Record-Breaking Gains for Farm Animals
In an Exclusive Interview with Farm Sanctuary, 2010 Walk for Farm Animals Spokesperson Bob Harper Proclaims “…we can no longer have blinders on...”
WATKINS GLEN, N.Y. – September 21, 2010 – On “The Biggest Loser,” celebrity trainer Bob Harper helps people lose weight and break the bad habits that are holding them back. But as the first-ever celebrity spokesperson for the Walk for Farm Animals, a national event to celebrate and promote compassion for farm animals and raise money to support the lifesaving rescue, education and advocacy work of Farm Sanctuary, he has become the biggest gainer for farm animals. Thanks in part to his star-power, the annual event has gained a record-breaking 78 participating cities across the U.S. and Canada (up 10 from last year) and a steadily growing list of registrants (nearly double last year’s participants), making the 2010 Walk for Farm Animals the largest organized North American event for farm animals in history.
With eight Walks already down in Michigan, Rhode Island, Minnesota, Missouri, Delaware, New Jersey, Tennessee and Florida, and 70 more still to go throughout the remainder of September and October (including a virtual “No Walk” Walk), the 2010 Walk is proof that the cruel treatment of animals raised for food has become an issue of national concern. This year’s addition of Harper as celebrity spokesperson, a first in the event’s nearly 25 year history, further demonstrates the mainstreaming of a movement that began in large part with the factory farm investigations and legal reforms initiated by Farm Sanctuary’s President and Co-Founder Gene Baur.
“The astounding growth of the Walk for Farm Animals is an encouraging sign that we are getting closer to the day when agribusiness’ treatment of living, breathing animals like unfeeling machinery is a thing of the past,” said Baur. “Through the vast resources of the Internet, undercover investigations, public education campaigns and popular films like ‘Food Inc.,’ people are learning in record numbers about the intolerable abuse, neglect and confinement endured by billions of animals raised for food on factory farms throughout North America, and they are increasingly rejecting these abhorrent practices in favor of mercy and compassion. No one likes cruelty to animals and the Walk provides a terrific opportunity to spread a message of hope for farm animals in your own hometown.”
Farm Sanctuary recently sat down with Harper on the set of “The Biggest Loser” in Los Angeles, where he credited the Walk with “getting people to think” and for initiating a “conversation that sparks change.”
Here are highlights from Farm Sanctuary’s exclusive interview with Bob Harper:
On getting involved with Farm Sanctuary and the Walk for Farm Animals:
“Well, I’ve got to tell you, when I was first approached about Farm Sanctuary, I was very, very excited. I knew that this was going to be a movement that I wanted to be a part of. It just all made sense to me. The lifestyle I live right now, my history, where I’ve grown up – so me being able to be a part of Farm Sanctuary is like having a badge of honor. I wanted to be able to talk about what I know and be a part of an organization that I believe so wholeheartedly in.”
On going vegan:
“It was actually pretty seamless. I was on vacation a couple of years ago and a friend of mine gave me a book called Skinny Bitch, and that started the ball rolling. But it wasn’t until I read T. Colin Campbell’s The China Study that my life absolutely changed. And bringing in the connection of ‘you are what you eat,’ that old adage our mothers have always taught us, it just started to make even more sense.”
On how his life has changed since going vegan:
“Well, it’s interesting because one thing I’ve really been able to do is talk to so many people about what they eat and their diet, for lack of a better word. I’ve worked with overweight Americans for such a long time and it’s about a stepping process … every day is a step because I get people I’ve worked with before saying to me now “What? Are you just going to take out all my meat and dairy?” I want to say “yes” immediately, but I know it’s about getting them to take steps. It’s a process for all of us, but I just get very excited about the platform I’ve been given and the information I now have to give out.”
On myths about vegan nutrition:
“I’ve really had to do my homework because my work is all about informing people and giving them the right information. One thing that I’ve realized is that, yes, our bodies need protein, but we don’t need as much as all these websites out there tell us that we do. And there are definitely ways to get all your nutrients within a plant-based diet.”
On how growing up on a cattle farm in Tennessee shaped the way he views farm animals:
“I have to tell you that because I grew up on this cattle farm it was just the way of life then. On the farm I grew up on the cows were treated relatively respectfully. They had pastures, they lived a good quality of life, of course until their death. To me there was more compassion back then because now … the thing that really pains me … is that these factory farms are just treating these animals like they’re light fixtures, like they’re not real and don’t have blood running through them. It’s just shocking to me.”
On the egregious abuses of modern farming:
“Well, I think the biggest thing is that animals are treated like they are not real. But these animals have emotions; they can be afraid; they can be happy. It’s like people tend to forget about that and that scares me when I think about slaughterhouses and what goes on in these places. When I started getting more and more informed about farm animals and how they were treated it made me feel like I needed to do whatever I could to help.”
On how people can make a difference for farm animals in their daily lives:
“They need to get involved, get informed and get their voices heard. To me, that is the number one step. One thing I tell people all the time when it comes to going to the grocery store, it’s like you are making a vote. Everything you get is a vote … it’s all about the foods you are eating. And I think you got to know what is going on out there … because we can no longer have blinders on; we can no longer just think ‘okay, well it doesn’t affect me,’ because these issues affect us all.”
The full interview can be viewed here: http://www.youtube.com/user/farmsanctuary1#p/a/f/1/UaNM40MDjhM
Bob Harper’s PSA for the Walk for Farm Animals can be viewed here:
In July, when Harper was first named national Walk spokesperson, he spoke about the added health benefits of farm animal advocacy. “Getting and staying physically fit is a lot easier when you have a powerful motivation, and I can’t think of a better reason to get moving this fall than to raise vital funds and awareness for farm animals,” said Harper, who states that since he adopted a plant-based diet he has felt “more clear headed and strong” and that his genetically high cholesterol dropped more than 100 points. “When I think about the billions of sensitive, intelligent beings who are confined and mistreated on factory farms to produce foods linked with obesity, heart disease, cancer, and stroke — that is all the motivation I need to make healthier, more conscientious choices. I am honored to be the national spokesperson for Farm Sanctuary’s 2010 Walk for Farm Animals.”
Participating Walk cities are: Albany, NY; Amsterdam, NY; Ann Arbor, MI; Asheville, NC; Atlanta, GA; Baltimore, MD; Bangor, PA; Berkeley, CA; Boston, MA; Buffalo, NY; Calgary, AB; Cape Cod, MA; Charleston, SC; Charlotte, NC; Chattanooga, TN; Chicago, IL; Chico, CA; Cincinnati, OH; Claremont, CA; Cleveland, OH; Denver, CO; Door County, WI; Durham, NC; Fort Wayne, IN; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; Glasgow, DE; Halifax, NS; Hartford, CT; Ithaca, NY; Jacksonville, FL; Johnston, RI; Kalamazoo, MI; Kansas City, MO; Kingston, ON; Lancaster, PA; Lisbon, CT; Long Beach, CA; Louisville, KY; Milwaukee, WI; Minneapolis, MN; Nashville, TN; New Orleans, LA; North Augusta, SC; Northport, NY; New York City, NY; Orlando, FL; Ottawa, ON; Palm Springs, CA; Philadelphia, PA; Phoenix, AZ; Pittsburgh, PA; Portland, ME; Portland, OR; Princeton, NJ; Rehoboth Beach, DE; Richmond, VA; Rochester, NY; Sacramento, CA; San Antonio, TX; San Luis Obispo, CA; Santa Monica, CA; Sarasota, FL; Seattle, WA; State College, PA; St. Catharines, ON; St. Louis, MO; Syracuse, NY; Tampa, FL; Toronto, ON; Truckee, CA; Tulsa, OK; Vancouver, BC; Ventura, CA; Washington DC, Wichita Falls, TX; Wilmington, NC; Youngstown, OH.
The 2010 Walk for Farm Animals is sponsored nationally by Boston Baked Bonz, a unique company of imaginative artisan/bakers offering tasty and healthy baked goodies and gift baskets for the wonderful doggies that share and enrich our lives.
To learn more about the 2010 Walk for Farm Animals and register for the Walk nearest you, please visit walkforfarmanimals.org.
If you would like to speak with Farm Sanctuary President and Co-Founder Gene Baur, please contact Meredith Turner at 646-369-6212 or mturner@farmsanctuary.org.
About Farm Sanctuary
Farm Sanctuary is the nation's leading farm animal protection organization. Since incorporating in 1986, Farm Sanctuary has worked to expose and stop cruel practices of the "food animal" industry through research and investigations, legal and institutional reforms, public awareness projects, youth education, and direct rescue and refuge efforts. Farm Sanctuary shelters in Watkins Glen, N.Y., and Orland, Calif., provide lifelong care for hundreds of rescued animals, who have become ambassadors for farm animals everywhere by educating visitors about the realities of factory farming. Additional information can be found at farmsanctuary.org or by calling 607-583-2225.
Follow Farm Sanctuary on Twitter: twitter.com/FarmSanctuary
WATKINS GLEN, N.Y. – September 21, 2010 – On “The Biggest Loser,” celebrity trainer Bob Harper helps people lose weight and break the bad habits that are holding them back. But as the first-ever celebrity spokesperson for the Walk for Farm Animals, a national event to celebrate and promote compassion for farm animals and raise money to support the lifesaving rescue, education and advocacy work of Farm Sanctuary, he has become the biggest gainer for farm animals. Thanks in part to his star-power, the annual event has gained a record-breaking 78 participating cities across the U.S. and Canada (up 10 from last year) and a steadily growing list of registrants (nearly double last year’s participants), making the 2010 Walk for Farm Animals the largest organized North American event for farm animals in history.
With eight Walks already down in Michigan, Rhode Island, Minnesota, Missouri, Delaware, New Jersey, Tennessee and Florida, and 70 more still to go throughout the remainder of September and October (including a virtual “No Walk” Walk), the 2010 Walk is proof that the cruel treatment of animals raised for food has become an issue of national concern. This year’s addition of Harper as celebrity spokesperson, a first in the event’s nearly 25 year history, further demonstrates the mainstreaming of a movement that began in large part with the factory farm investigations and legal reforms initiated by Farm Sanctuary’s President and Co-Founder Gene Baur.
“The astounding growth of the Walk for Farm Animals is an encouraging sign that we are getting closer to the day when agribusiness’ treatment of living, breathing animals like unfeeling machinery is a thing of the past,” said Baur. “Through the vast resources of the Internet, undercover investigations, public education campaigns and popular films like ‘Food Inc.,’ people are learning in record numbers about the intolerable abuse, neglect and confinement endured by billions of animals raised for food on factory farms throughout North America, and they are increasingly rejecting these abhorrent practices in favor of mercy and compassion. No one likes cruelty to animals and the Walk provides a terrific opportunity to spread a message of hope for farm animals in your own hometown.”
Farm Sanctuary recently sat down with Harper on the set of “The Biggest Loser” in Los Angeles, where he credited the Walk with “getting people to think” and for initiating a “conversation that sparks change.”
Here are highlights from Farm Sanctuary’s exclusive interview with Bob Harper:
On getting involved with Farm Sanctuary and the Walk for Farm Animals:
“Well, I’ve got to tell you, when I was first approached about Farm Sanctuary, I was very, very excited. I knew that this was going to be a movement that I wanted to be a part of. It just all made sense to me. The lifestyle I live right now, my history, where I’ve grown up – so me being able to be a part of Farm Sanctuary is like having a badge of honor. I wanted to be able to talk about what I know and be a part of an organization that I believe so wholeheartedly in.”
On going vegan:
“It was actually pretty seamless. I was on vacation a couple of years ago and a friend of mine gave me a book called Skinny Bitch, and that started the ball rolling. But it wasn’t until I read T. Colin Campbell’s The China Study that my life absolutely changed. And bringing in the connection of ‘you are what you eat,’ that old adage our mothers have always taught us, it just started to make even more sense.”
On how his life has changed since going vegan:
“Well, it’s interesting because one thing I’ve really been able to do is talk to so many people about what they eat and their diet, for lack of a better word. I’ve worked with overweight Americans for such a long time and it’s about a stepping process … every day is a step because I get people I’ve worked with before saying to me now “What? Are you just going to take out all my meat and dairy?” I want to say “yes” immediately, but I know it’s about getting them to take steps. It’s a process for all of us, but I just get very excited about the platform I’ve been given and the information I now have to give out.”
On myths about vegan nutrition:
“I’ve really had to do my homework because my work is all about informing people and giving them the right information. One thing that I’ve realized is that, yes, our bodies need protein, but we don’t need as much as all these websites out there tell us that we do. And there are definitely ways to get all your nutrients within a plant-based diet.”
On how growing up on a cattle farm in Tennessee shaped the way he views farm animals:
“I have to tell you that because I grew up on this cattle farm it was just the way of life then. On the farm I grew up on the cows were treated relatively respectfully. They had pastures, they lived a good quality of life, of course until their death. To me there was more compassion back then because now … the thing that really pains me … is that these factory farms are just treating these animals like they’re light fixtures, like they’re not real and don’t have blood running through them. It’s just shocking to me.”
On the egregious abuses of modern farming:
“Well, I think the biggest thing is that animals are treated like they are not real. But these animals have emotions; they can be afraid; they can be happy. It’s like people tend to forget about that and that scares me when I think about slaughterhouses and what goes on in these places. When I started getting more and more informed about farm animals and how they were treated it made me feel like I needed to do whatever I could to help.”
On how people can make a difference for farm animals in their daily lives:
“They need to get involved, get informed and get their voices heard. To me, that is the number one step. One thing I tell people all the time when it comes to going to the grocery store, it’s like you are making a vote. Everything you get is a vote … it’s all about the foods you are eating. And I think you got to know what is going on out there … because we can no longer have blinders on; we can no longer just think ‘okay, well it doesn’t affect me,’ because these issues affect us all.”
The full interview can be viewed here: http://www.youtube.com/user/farmsanctuary1#p/a/f/1/UaNM40MDjhM
Bob Harper’s PSA for the Walk for Farm Animals can be viewed here:
In July, when Harper was first named national Walk spokesperson, he spoke about the added health benefits of farm animal advocacy. “Getting and staying physically fit is a lot easier when you have a powerful motivation, and I can’t think of a better reason to get moving this fall than to raise vital funds and awareness for farm animals,” said Harper, who states that since he adopted a plant-based diet he has felt “more clear headed and strong” and that his genetically high cholesterol dropped more than 100 points. “When I think about the billions of sensitive, intelligent beings who are confined and mistreated on factory farms to produce foods linked with obesity, heart disease, cancer, and stroke — that is all the motivation I need to make healthier, more conscientious choices. I am honored to be the national spokesperson for Farm Sanctuary’s 2010 Walk for Farm Animals.”
Participating Walk cities are: Albany, NY; Amsterdam, NY; Ann Arbor, MI; Asheville, NC; Atlanta, GA; Baltimore, MD; Bangor, PA; Berkeley, CA; Boston, MA; Buffalo, NY; Calgary, AB; Cape Cod, MA; Charleston, SC; Charlotte, NC; Chattanooga, TN; Chicago, IL; Chico, CA; Cincinnati, OH; Claremont, CA; Cleveland, OH; Denver, CO; Door County, WI; Durham, NC; Fort Wayne, IN; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; Glasgow, DE; Halifax, NS; Hartford, CT; Ithaca, NY; Jacksonville, FL; Johnston, RI; Kalamazoo, MI; Kansas City, MO; Kingston, ON; Lancaster, PA; Lisbon, CT; Long Beach, CA; Louisville, KY; Milwaukee, WI; Minneapolis, MN; Nashville, TN; New Orleans, LA; North Augusta, SC; Northport, NY; New York City, NY; Orlando, FL; Ottawa, ON; Palm Springs, CA; Philadelphia, PA; Phoenix, AZ; Pittsburgh, PA; Portland, ME; Portland, OR; Princeton, NJ; Rehoboth Beach, DE; Richmond, VA; Rochester, NY; Sacramento, CA; San Antonio, TX; San Luis Obispo, CA; Santa Monica, CA; Sarasota, FL; Seattle, WA; State College, PA; St. Catharines, ON; St. Louis, MO; Syracuse, NY; Tampa, FL; Toronto, ON; Truckee, CA; Tulsa, OK; Vancouver, BC; Ventura, CA; Washington DC, Wichita Falls, TX; Wilmington, NC; Youngstown, OH.
The 2010 Walk for Farm Animals is sponsored nationally by Boston Baked Bonz, a unique company of imaginative artisan/bakers offering tasty and healthy baked goodies and gift baskets for the wonderful doggies that share and enrich our lives.
To learn more about the 2010 Walk for Farm Animals and register for the Walk nearest you, please visit walkforfarmanimals.org.
If you would like to speak with Farm Sanctuary President and Co-Founder Gene Baur, please contact Meredith Turner at 646-369-6212 or mturner@farmsanctuary.org.
About Farm Sanctuary
Farm Sanctuary is the nation's leading farm animal protection organization. Since incorporating in 1986, Farm Sanctuary has worked to expose and stop cruel practices of the "food animal" industry through research and investigations, legal and institutional reforms, public awareness projects, youth education, and direct rescue and refuge efforts. Farm Sanctuary shelters in Watkins Glen, N.Y., and Orland, Calif., provide lifelong care for hundreds of rescued animals, who have become ambassadors for farm animals everywhere by educating visitors about the realities of factory farming. Additional information can be found at farmsanctuary.org or by calling 607-583-2225.
Follow Farm Sanctuary on Twitter: twitter.com/FarmSanctuary
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Hundreds of Animals Seized From Research Facility - By: Elise Roberts
GREENSBORO — Guilford County's Animal Shelter is housing 19 animals seized from the Professional Laboratory and Research Services facility. The Greensboro shelter has been at capacity for quite some time but staff pulled together to find space after learning of the animal abuse.
"We knew it was the right thing to help the animals in Gates County. When the Humane Society of the United States called and asked us to help, we knew that we could not say no," said Executive Director Marsha Williams.
The animals came from a testing site in Gates County. The research center was supposed to be using the cats and dogs to test different products. But undercover video shows that the center was doing much more than that.
"These animals were being abused by the staff at the lab," said Williams.
An undercover PETA investigator shot video showing employees of PLRS abusing some of its animals. It is abuse that shelter leaders say may have scarred these animals for life.
"They are skittish, they are afraid that every time we put our hands on them that we are going to do something to harm them," said Williams.
For nine months the PETA representative worked inside the research facility that tests insecticides and other chemicals used in animal products. However, the investigation found that the cats and dogs were abused and neglected which caused a number of health problems.
"We see a lot of parasite, worms, ear infections because the ears need to be cleaned but our main concern is the condition of their paw pads where they have infection and they are beginning to swell up and get red and raw," said Williams.
PETA's investigation and complaint to the USDA forced the Gates County Company to shut it's doors for good, sending hundreds of animals to a number of shelters across the country.
For the rest of the story and video, please click here : http://charlotte.news14.com/content/local_news/charlotte/630545/hundreds-of-animals-seized-from-research-facility
"We knew it was the right thing to help the animals in Gates County. When the Humane Society of the United States called and asked us to help, we knew that we could not say no," said Executive Director Marsha Williams.
The animals came from a testing site in Gates County. The research center was supposed to be using the cats and dogs to test different products. But undercover video shows that the center was doing much more than that.
"These animals were being abused by the staff at the lab," said Williams.
An undercover PETA investigator shot video showing employees of PLRS abusing some of its animals. It is abuse that shelter leaders say may have scarred these animals for life.
"They are skittish, they are afraid that every time we put our hands on them that we are going to do something to harm them," said Williams.
For nine months the PETA representative worked inside the research facility that tests insecticides and other chemicals used in animal products. However, the investigation found that the cats and dogs were abused and neglected which caused a number of health problems.
"We see a lot of parasite, worms, ear infections because the ears need to be cleaned but our main concern is the condition of their paw pads where they have infection and they are beginning to swell up and get red and raw," said Williams.
PETA's investigation and complaint to the USDA forced the Gates County Company to shut it's doors for good, sending hundreds of animals to a number of shelters across the country.
For the rest of the story and video, please click here : http://charlotte.news14.com/content/local_news/charlotte/630545/hundreds-of-animals-seized-from-research-facility
Friday, September 17, 2010
Video Spotlight : Reel Life at Farm Sanctuary - Ep. 2: Chicken Nutrition
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Backyard Wildlife Series : Raccoon
This beautiful raccoon was climbing a tree in the backyard this morning. I am guessing it is a nursing mother foraging for food. Although I wanted to get closer, I kept my distance as to not scare her. She climbed a tree and was reaching for the newest leaves to nibble on. When she was finished, she came down the tree and posed for a few pictures before she wandered back into the bushes and disappeared. Nature is beautiful when we leave the animals alone.
If you want more information on raccoons, please visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raccoon
If you want more information on raccoons, please visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raccoon
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Milk Recall
NEW YORK -- Milk sold in five Northeastern states has been recalled because it might not have been properly pasteurized.
New York regulators say the milk was marketed under the brand names Midland Farms, Corrado's Market, Jersey Dairy Farms and Trade Fair Premium. It went in sizes from pints to gallons to stores in New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey and Rhode Island.
Inspectors found failed pasteurization equipment at the Midlands Farm plant near Albany on Sept. 7. The company agreed to the voluntary recall as a precaution against bacterial contaminants like listeria and salmonella. There have been no reports of illness as of Thursday.
Consumers should look for the plant code 36-1661 and a Sept. 24 date code. Milk should be returned to the place it was bought
New York regulators say the milk was marketed under the brand names Midland Farms, Corrado's Market, Jersey Dairy Farms and Trade Fair Premium. It went in sizes from pints to gallons to stores in New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey and Rhode Island.
Inspectors found failed pasteurization equipment at the Midlands Farm plant near Albany on Sept. 7. The company agreed to the voluntary recall as a precaution against bacterial contaminants like listeria and salmonella. There have been no reports of illness as of Thursday.
Consumers should look for the plant code 36-1661 and a Sept. 24 date code. Milk should be returned to the place it was bought
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Lion Attacks Trainer At MGM Las Vegas
I did not put the news report with this video. Simply because the attack would not have happened if the animals were not used as an attraction in captivity. GO VEGAN and leave the animals alone!!!
Lion Attacks Trainer At MGM Las Vegas - Watch more Funny Videos
Lion Attacks Trainer At MGM Las Vegas - Watch more Funny Videos
Sunday, September 5, 2010
A Crow and a Kitten...Best of Friends?!
This is just a beautiful story of two very unlikely friends...A crow and a kitten. We humans can learn something from these natural enemies.
Website Spotlight : Animal Legal Defense Fund
For more than three decades, the Animal Legal Defense Fund has been fighting to protect the lives and advance the interests of animals through the legal system. Founded in 1979 by attorneys active in shaping the emerging field of animal law, ALDF has blazed the trail for stronger enforcement of anti-cruelty laws and more humane treatment of animals in every corner of American life. Today, ALDF’s groundbreaking efforts to push the U.S. legal system to end the suffering of abused animals are supported by hundreds of dedicated attorneys and more than 100,000 members. Every day, ALDF works to protect animals by:
Filing groundbreaking lawsuits to stop animal abuse and expand the boundaries of animal law.
Providing free legal assistance to prosecutors handling cruelty cases.
Working to strengthen state anti-cruelty statutes.
Encouraging the federal government to enforce existing animal protection laws.
Nurturing the future of animal law through Student Animal Legal Defense Fund chapters and our Animal Law Program.
Providing public education through seminars, workshops and other outreach efforts.
In addition to our national headquarters in the San Francisco Bay Area, the Animal Legal Defense Fund maintains an office in Portland, Oregon.
If you care about animals and the rights that they should have as sentient beings, please join the Animal Legal Defense Fund today and let's make it a better world for the animals! http://www.aldf.org/index.php
Watch a short video about the Animal Legal Defense Fund.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Try a Non-Dairy Milk, and Help Farmed Animals!
These days, milk can be made from almost anything — soy, rice, almonds, hemp, oats, coconut, the list goes on and on — and with so many healthy and delicious nondairy milks available for purchase in mainstream supermarkets, more and more Americans are making these cruelty-free choices. Now through September 30, Oregon-based natural foods company Turtle Mountain, a pioneer in the creation and production of natural dairy-free products, has teamed up with Farm Sanctuary, the nation’s leading farm animal protection organization, to ensure that every creamy, delicious sip will go even further toward ending the abuse of farm animals by donating $1.00 (up to $5,000) to the nonprofit organization for every UPC that is cut out and sent to them from any flavor of So Delicious™ Dairy Free Coconut Milk.
What a great deal. Pick up one of these delicious non-dairy milks and send the upc in. That's DOUBLE the compassion!
What a great deal. Pick up one of these delicious non-dairy milks and send the upc in. That's DOUBLE the compassion!